Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Journal - Class Party

Class of 5R - all smiles.
Everybody JUMP!!!

Well - its that time of the year again - its the end of term and the kids are having their class party today.  Its been a busy week for mummy as I had to prepare food for their class parties. Baked 100 cupcakes yesterday and iced them simply,  made some pesto aubergine tarts and baked some chicken wings too for the kids.  So I am exhausted.  I think I will take a nap before I start working on my scrappy things again.


Sal said...

To do all that cooking/baking for the class party.....u're 1 awesome, hip & supportive mum!!!

Chowchow said...

Thanks Sal

Wati Basri said...

wow...100 cupcakes...u r awesome babe!!